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Our Philosophy



Concrete Ideas behind our Philosophy

For us ecology is not an option, the protection of nature and biodiversity belongs to all people on the planet!
It is no longer a utopia to save the planet: more than half of people think that we must evolve to leave a planet worthy of Man to our children.
We prefer to think that the utopia is to still think that we can continue as before!


A Clear Action to safeguard Local Biodiversity

Part of your trip allows Esprit Montagne to develop its Gentle Mountain Beekeeping Project: we started with 11 beehives established at altitude and we plan to expand our Colonies of  Local Bees.

The black bee is the local bee which has adapted for millennia to our climate and which must be protected to prevent the species from disappearing by mixing with others, which are not adapted to our mountain winters.
Our project is to support 40 beehives at the end of summer, in a gentle way to let the Bees develop at their own pace and give Honey to our best Customers.

We are working with the CETA de Savoie and au Coeur d'une Ruche to improve our mountain apiaries and help protect mountain bees and the Black Bee strain. Booking with us means supporting an organisation that develops concrete actions to respect and protect nature and our biodiversity.



3 Countries 1 Culture

The Esprit Montagne Team is composed of Italian, French and Swiss Guides who have made of Mountain a lifestyle choice. They work around these three countries, different in characters, but always linked by the same Alpine culture!

Our UIAGM Mountain Guides and local Trekking Guides are certified, confirmed and committed with us, to help you discover the wilderness of the Alps.An agency is first and foremost a team: we believe that men who know how to work together are always the best professionals!

Our secretaries have always lived in the mountains and have always been passionate about skiing, climbing, mountains and travelling: they will be of good advice to guide you in your program choice.
Esprit Montagne acts as a link between all the professionals involved in the creation of your mountain trip, taking care of all the smallest details so that you can leave for your mountain adventure without worries!
The professionals chosen by Esprit Montagne share our same philosophy.
Your Mountain Trip becomes sustainable and eco-friendly through the possibility of rounding your payment amount in favour of three Organisations selected by Esprit Montagne: two for Bees Conservation and one one for the promotion of drinking water around the world...
You will therefore be able to concretely transform the purchase of your holiday into an eco-responsible gesture!


Esprit Montagne has chosen to limit its groups to a maximum of 10 participants, to guarantee better safety and create stays of quality, in order to facilitate exchanges between people and discover Wild Alternative Routes! The number can be further reduced depending on the difficulty of the mountain trip.
Sharing good moments: you can take with you a specialty from your region to share it together with your adventure fellow during the trip!


Strong of the experience of our Guides, Esprit Montagne designs for you mountain stays that go beyond the classics routes, taking the best of all the local players, to take you off the beaten tracks and into new discoveries!  
Fair prices that value everyone's work
In addition to ecology, one of the key elements of Esprit Montagne's philosophy is to maintain fair prices and not fall into the downward spiral of competition, in order to highlight the value of everyone's work and always guarantee a high quality of our products.
We recognize the value of our Trekking and Mountain Guide, as well as of hut keepers so that everyone is happy to work with us and so that they always welcome you in the best possible way!
Transports Limitation in order to reduce your vacation carbon footprint 
Protecting and Enhancing the Mountain is the goal of our Mountain Stays. We promote Car-sharing to reach the departure point and we limit transports along the  trekking route, to live an authentic experience at the heart of Nature.
Limiting transport also has a pragmatic goal: avoiding having a minibus that follows the group with baggages means being able to walk on less frequented paths and being able to stay at altitude, where nature remains wilder, instead of having to descend in the valley to allow the bus to join the group.
Finally, Esprit Montagne is setting up a system that allows car-sharing between members of the same group: when booking, each participant can register for the car-sharing system, once the stay is confirmed he will receive the list of email addresses of members so that they can get in touch directly.


A Real All Included

Where possible, Esprit Montagne designs its stays to allow you to make the most of your vacation, without having to take care of extra nights before and after: no stress!

Local Products
Discover the best products from our Mountains, your Guides and Esprit Montagne buy quality products all along the itinerary: local cheeses from the Alpine pastures and the handmade dishes the Huts will make for you. To lighten the backpacks, we buy food locally and we choose the best tables and lodgings to give a god taste to your holidays. We travel light, there is no 4X4 following us, we are autonomous and free to discover the most beautiful routes ...

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