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This summer rediscover the Alps
The faraway trip in Europe!

The 4000 Summits in the Alps
Challenge yourself

The Mountain Trip that contributes
to Natural Beekeeping!

Get off the classical routes.





Mountaineering and hiking in the Alps! Esprit Montagne :
the adventure travel agency
for the best mountain trip ever!

Trekking, skiing, trail running and much more...

Confirmed trips

Our highlights

Choose your next
adventure trip

Discover the Alps by Hiking, Trail running, Mountaineering and much more...

We offer many mountain trips at the heart of the Alps, between France, Switzerland and Italy: either weekends or stays of several days for all levels and sport.


Further info

Our local mountain & trekking guides

Esprit Montagne carries out its main activity at the heart of the Alps between France, Italy and Switzerland.

The Guides of the group have all made an important choice of lifestyle, abandoning all other work commitments to dedicate themselves to the world of tourism, living constantly in close contact with the alpine environment. 



8 good reasons
why to choose Esprit Montagne

Part of your trip allows Esprit Montagne to develop its Gentle Mountain Beekeeping Project: we started with 11 beehives established at altitude and we plan to expand our Colonies of  Local Bees.

3 countries 1 culture


The Esprit Montagne Team is composed of Italian, French and Swiss Guides who have made of Mountain a lifestyle choice. They work around these three countries, different in characters, but always linked by the same Alpine culture!

Protecting and Enhancing the Mountain is the goal of our Mountain Stays. We promote Car-sharing to reach the departure point and we limit transports along the  trekking route, to live an authentic experience at the heart of Nature.


Where possible, Esprit Montagne designs its stays to allow you to make the most of your vacation, without having to take care of extra nights before and after: no stress!

Your Mountain Trip becomes sustainable and eco-friendly through the possibility of rounding your payment amount in favour of three Organisations selected by Esprit Montagne: two for Bees Conservation and one one for the promotion of drinking water around the world...

Discover the best products from our Mountains, your Guides and Esprit Montagne buy quality products all along the itinerary: local cheeses from the Alpine pastures and the handmade dishes the Huts will make for you.


Esprit Montagne has chosen to limit its groups to a maximum of 10 participants, to guarantee better safety and create stays of quality, in order to facilitate exchanges between people and discover Wild Alternative Routes!

Strong of the experience of our Guides, Esprit Montagne designs for you mountain stays that go beyond the classics routes, taking the best of all the local players, to take you into new discoveries!